Milk and Honey (2010)

This is an interactive sculpture, essentially a toy gun fabricated from screenshots of the game Contra Force for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is made of poplar dowels cut by hand, glued together, and painted with acrylic paint and three kinds of metallic gold paint.

I originally created a range of pixellated weapons for an art festival in Atlanta. My goal was to play with the idea of the artist's booth in terms of my interest in early videogame imagery, i.e. the artist's booth as a kind of "item shop" like those found in videogames.

This particular gun is part of the second edition of guns I made. It is meant to playfully reference the synthesis of decadence, luxury, and violence in contemporary pop culture.

Full Description

This is an interactive sculpture, essentially a toy gun fabricated from screenshots of the game Contra Force for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is made of poplar dowels cut by hand, glued together, and painted with acrylic paint and three kinds of metallic gold paint.

I originally created a range of pixellated weapons for an art festival in Atlanta. My goal was to play with the idea of the artist's booth in terms of my interest in early videogame imagery, i.e. the artist's booth as a kind of "item shop" like those found in videogames.

This particular gun is part of the second edition of guns I made. It is meant to playfully reference the synthesis of decadence, luxury, and violence in contemporary pop culture.

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