10048 (2010)

This image is a collage of images pulled from the intro/title sequence of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: The Manhattan Project for the NES. All the imagery was acquired using an emulator.

I am intrigued by how a worldwide trauma even finds its way into the most innocuous corners of our experience. There's a kind of echo that happens whenever we see images of the twin towers in old movies, photos, anything, even video games. That's not even taking into account the active political charging of such imagery after September 11th. It's quite a wallop in total!

The title is the zip code for the World Trade Center. The number is now a reference to something that isn't there anymore.

As for how it was made, I laid out all the elements on a square background in Photoshop and then composed it using the Fibonacci Spiral. I wanted to have ...

Full Description

This image is a collage of images pulled from the intro/title sequence of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: The Manhattan Project for the NES. All the imagery was acquired using an emulator.

I am intrigued by how a worldwide trauma even finds its way into the most innocuous corners of our experience. There's a kind of echo that happens whenever we see images of the twin towers in old movies, photos, anything, even video games. That's not even taking into account the active political charging of such imagery after September 11th. It's quite a wallop in total!

The title is the zip code for the World Trade Center. The number is now a reference to something that isn't there anymore.

As for how it was made, I laid out all the elements on a square background in Photoshop and then composed it using the Fibonacci Spiral. I wanted to have as few dead areas as possible without conversely overcrowding the image. The painting was gridded out and painted completely by hand.

This piece bears a pleasant-but-unintended resemblance to Magritte's "Le Chateau de Pyrenees", which resided in the office of Magritte's lawyer in, strangely enough, Manhattan.

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