Revir Noom (2009)

Revir Noom 1:41 mins Uses a recording of a bit of dialogue and the song Moon River performed by Audrey Hepburn, from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. This one-take recording was then played backward and re-recorded. Revir Noom is a near straight transcription of this with minimal manipulation - it was conceptually important to have the thing "flow naturally" in "real time" and then flow backwards, at the same pace. Originally made for a video, Ex Moth, about the struggle to re-invent oneself (as Lula Mae does in BAT) only to be dragged back to the beginning - or original nature - a sad failure of transcendence and the struggle to escape form or context. The track took on an autonomous and complete sonic life - a transformation of form and context - with its own distinct melody and arrangement and language, the undercurrent of Moon River's longing iconic promise ...

Full Description

Revir Noom 1:41 mins Uses a recording of a bit of dialogue and the song Moon River performed by Audrey Hepburn, from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. This one-take recording was then played backward and re-recorded. Revir Noom is a near straight transcription of this with minimal manipulation - it was conceptually important to have the thing "flow naturally" in "real time" and then flow backwards, at the same pace. Originally made for a video, Ex Moth, about the struggle to re-invent oneself (as Lula Mae does in BAT) only to be dragged back to the beginning - or original nature - a sad failure of transcendence and the struggle to escape form or context. The track took on an autonomous and complete sonic life - a transformation of form and context - with its own distinct melody and arrangement and language, the undercurrent of Moon River's longing iconic promise like a current pulling forward (back) steadily as the piece ends with Audrey-Holly-LulaMae not so much singing as swallowing her own words.

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