Never More (2010)

I pursue photography to satisfy my natural urge to create. My work often represents my inner state at the time as well as how I see the world around me. Photography for me is like a valve through which I can share my happiness, love, anger, sadness and frustration with people I know and do not know. When a viewer looks at any of my photographs, he/she is seeing a part of me, and my feelings at the moment of creation, as well as at the time of image processing because a large part of the creation process is spent in post-production. Since other photographers have exhausted all topics, I try to present something new and authentic in the visual creation. Some people have described my work as “ bizarre” and “delicate”, my objective is usually to keep the viewer looking at my photograph for as long as possible. Artists ...

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I pursue photography to satisfy my natural urge to create. My work often represents my inner state at the time as well as how I see the world around me. Photography for me is like a valve through which I can share my happiness, love, anger, sadness and frustration with people I know and do not know. When a viewer looks at any of my photographs, he/she is seeing a part of me, and my feelings at the moment of creation, as well as at the time of image processing because a large part of the creation process is spent in post-production. Since other photographers have exhausted all topics, I try to present something new and authentic in the visual creation. Some people have described my work as “ bizarre” and “delicate”, my objective is usually to keep the viewer looking at my photograph for as long as possible. Artists of all kinds, not only photographers, inspire me, as do ordinary people and their views on life. There are many souls on this planet, and my wish is to reach to them.

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