Rope (2009)

Rope (automatic panorama generating algorithm) (98 x 66cm, digital c-print, 2009)

Alfred Hitchcock's Rope seamlessly connects a number of shots to tell a story happening in an apartment, giving an illusion of filming the whole story in one take. As an attempt to show the story happening in the apartment in a single picture, a number of shots from the beginning to the end of film are stitched together automatically using a panorama generating algorithm.

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Rope (automatic panorama generating algorithm) (98 x 66cm, digital c-print, 2009)

Alfred Hitchcock's Rope seamlessly connects a number of shots to tell a story happening in an apartment, giving an illusion of filming the whole story in one take. As an attempt to show the story happening in the apartment in a single picture, a number of shots from the beginning to the end of film are stitched together automatically using a panorama generating algorithm.

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