Digital Concept: Data Corruption (2009)

"Corruption, for Des Esseintes, breathes life; impurity renews and refreshes; contamination extends, animates and colours." David Batchelor, Chromophobia

Data Corruption: Errors in computer data introducing unintended change to the data.

"Data corruption" is intentionally introduced to the digital images of Lucio Fontana's Spatial Concept. The physically torn gaps in his canvases are symbolically transferred to errors in data.

Method of production of the images: 1. Put "Concetto Spaziale" into a search engine to find and download images from Lucio Fontana's works. 2. Change the file extension of the downloaded image files to "txt" (without the quotation marks). (example: luciofontana.jpg -> luciofontana.txt) 3. Open the image files, which now have 'txt' extnsion, in a text editing program. 4. In the opened documents, replace all isntances of "?" with the word "slash" using the "replace all" function. 5. Save and close the file in the text editing program. 6. Change the extension ...

Full Description

"Corruption, for Des Esseintes, breathes life; impurity renews and refreshes; contamination extends, animates and colours." David Batchelor, Chromophobia

Data Corruption: Errors in computer data introducing unintended change to the data.

"Data corruption" is intentionally introduced to the digital images of Lucio Fontana's Spatial Concept. The physically torn gaps in his canvases are symbolically transferred to errors in data.

Method of production of the images: 1. Put "Concetto Spaziale" into a search engine to find and download images from Lucio Fontana's works. 2. Change the file extension of the downloaded image files to "txt" (without the quotation marks). (example: luciofontana.jpg -> luciofontana.txt) 3. Open the image files, which now have 'txt' extnsion, in a text editing program. 4. In the opened documents, replace all isntances of "?" with the word "slash" using the "replace all" function. 5. Save and close the file in the text editing program. 6. Change the extension of the file back to the original. (example: luciofontana.txt -> luciofontana.jpg) 7. Open the file in an image viewing program.

Now the image is gone through a deliberate data corruption process. The corrupted image file may open or not depending on the severity of the corruption. Try with many images.

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