Davos: Capital of the Global Economic Empire (2010)

Empire is a four year project that discusses the issue of globalization. The project resulted in 21 images each of which incorporates 25 screen captures. The screen captures all contain the windows frame including the url that contains the primary image and other pertinent information. The 21 composite images were reassembled into three primary pieces, each one representing a different phase of the project.

The three phases are:

Davos: Capital of the Global Economic Empire Elements of Globalization Dissolution: The Counter Argument

In addition to these pieces the project also includes letters received from heads of state of countries around the world as well CEOs from multinational corporations.

The project also includes testimony from citizens of 15 countries around the world. This testimony was received in response to a survey initiated on the internet application, Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Full Description

Empire is a four year project that discusses the issue of globalization. The project resulted in 21 images each of which incorporates 25 screen captures. The screen captures all contain the windows frame including the url that contains the primary image and other pertinent information. The 21 composite images were reassembled into three primary pieces, each one representing a different phase of the project.

The three phases are:

Davos: Capital of the Global Economic Empire Elements of Globalization Dissolution: The Counter Argument

In addition to these pieces the project also includes letters received from heads of state of countries around the world as well CEOs from multinational corporations.

The project also includes testimony from citizens of 15 countries around the world. This testimony was received in response to a survey initiated on the internet application, Amazon Mechanical Turk.

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