Avatar Theatre: Magic Mirror Game (Director's Cut) (2010)

"The Magic Mirror Game" (Director's Cut, High-Res), video of a one-man two-actor live show, is part of my UCSC Digital Arts MFA thesis (Mocap & Mimesis), which is a cross-disciplinary performance study in expressive and improvisational 3D synthespians using motion capture (mocap). "The Magic Mirror Game" performance explores a virtual rendition of the classic Marx Brothers "Mirror Gag" in a backstage dressing room between performances of our group production, "Stop the Press!" This technique uses mocap in a new way to allow a performer to act or dance with a virtual version of themselves in a live show.

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"The Magic Mirror Game" (Director's Cut, High-Res), video of a one-man two-actor live show, is part of my UCSC Digital Arts MFA thesis (Mocap & Mimesis), which is a cross-disciplinary performance study in expressive and improvisational 3D synthespians using motion capture (mocap). "The Magic Mirror Game" performance explores a virtual rendition of the classic Marx Brothers "Mirror Gag" in a backstage dressing room between performances of our group production, "Stop the Press!" This technique uses mocap in a new way to allow a performer to act or dance with a virtual version of themselves in a live show.

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