Transitional Fragments (2010)

Transitional Fragments is a collection of musical animations created by Aaron Finbloom. These song-animations are all quite short (some of them might even seem like they are unfinished). I see them as each representing a moment. Each is a fragment of: a day, a journey, an emotional landscape. Each is in a transition between a real song and dissolving into a non-musical activity. These fragments cannot be ordered into an album because they lack narrativity. There is no progression from one to the other. They do not represent a coherent unified self. But moments still have validity to themselves. Perhaps...

The music for Transitional Fragments was recorded using a tiny 4-track recording while traveling around India in the winter of 2008. Instruments included: voice, ukulele, violin, drum sticks. The songs were then mixed and mastered upon my return. Then I made drawings for each song (including the title page) Then ...

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Transitional Fragments is a collection of musical animations created by Aaron Finbloom. These song-animations are all quite short (some of them might even seem like they are unfinished). I see them as each representing a moment. Each is a fragment of: a day, a journey, an emotional landscape. Each is in a transition between a real song and dissolving into a non-musical activity. These fragments cannot be ordered into an album because they lack narrativity. There is no progression from one to the other. They do not represent a coherent unified self. But moments still have validity to themselves. Perhaps...

The music for Transitional Fragments was recorded using a tiny 4-track recording while traveling around India in the winter of 2008. Instruments included: voice, ukulele, violin, drum sticks. The songs were then mixed and mastered upon my return. Then I made drawings for each song (including the title page) Then I used flash to bring the drawings and the music together.

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