Virtual Jazz (2009)

The Virtual Jazz Series intends to analyse Jazz's plastic arts possibilities in light of the new Artistic media.

Jorge Portela has created close to 150 Works, which are "photographic/pictorial" on computer that comprise and extend from realism to the abstract, of which we present a few examples.

The artistic process began in 2008 with the "Estoril Jazz" music festival (an event by Projazz/ DM Produções - founded in 1989 by Duarte Mendonça who in 1974 had just started as a Jazz concerts and festivals producer, like "Cascais Jazz", and who joined Luís Vilas Boas for this new event). The artwork co-operation continued in 2009 within the same spirit and was extended to the festival "Jazz in August" by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Several live Jazz concerts were photographed, including some of the big names of the international scene.

This project is part of a broader plan that includes a digital ...

Full Description

The Virtual Jazz Series intends to analyse Jazz's plastic arts possibilities in light of the new Artistic media.

Jorge Portela has created close to 150 Works, which are "photographic/pictorial" on computer that comprise and extend from realism to the abstract, of which we present a few examples.

The artistic process began in 2008 with the "Estoril Jazz" music festival (an event by Projazz/ DM Produções - founded in 1989 by Duarte Mendonça who in 1974 had just started as a Jazz concerts and festivals producer, like "Cascais Jazz", and who joined Luís Vilas Boas for this new event). The artwork co-operation continued in 2009 within the same spirit and was extended to the festival "Jazz in August" by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Several live Jazz concerts were photographed, including some of the big names of the international scene.

This project is part of a broader plan that includes a digital video with Jazz music, and which should also, later on, extend to other musical genres, including a full feature dedicated to classical music.

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