Big Psomm 2 (2010)

This is a documentary movie about an experimental event, which has happened in the virtual world of Second Life. Participants had to choose between especially created avatars and become them. Each avatar was a piece of one giant avatar. At least 20 people are needed to construct and play Big Psomm ( the name of this giant avatar). Even so, people in fewer numbers can have fun just to try and make it. Other times, on the contrary, Big Psomm had an extra head or thigh. Big Psomm’s parts weren’t realistic or easily recognizable. That made the task harder to accomplish, but on the other hand, it provoked improvisations.

From the beginnning, participants collaborated and made a lot of efforts to connect into one. They all intensively communicated by chat, which sometimes covered the whole screen. It was all happening in an atmosphere of fun. Most people didn’t know each ...

Full Description

This is a documentary movie about an experimental event, which has happened in the virtual world of Second Life. Participants had to choose between especially created avatars and become them. Each avatar was a piece of one giant avatar. At least 20 people are needed to construct and play Big Psomm ( the name of this giant avatar). Even so, people in fewer numbers can have fun just to try and make it. Other times, on the contrary, Big Psomm had an extra head or thigh. Big Psomm’s parts weren’t realistic or easily recognizable. That made the task harder to accomplish, but on the other hand, it provoked improvisations.

From the beginnning, participants collaborated and made a lot of efforts to connect into one. They all intensively communicated by chat, which sometimes covered the whole screen. It was all happening in an atmosphere of fun. Most people didn’t know each other beforehand, but being part of the same body was uniting them. Spontaneously they became a team, or teams, in which every single person played some different role, because of his choice of body part avatar and his behaviour. Leaders, innovative persons, followers, rebels, they all came up to the surface. Big Psomm’s moving parts, their talking and efforts to become one, isn’t it an illustration of a common state of the mind and the body? Hundreds of thoughts, conflicted body feelings and needs, dissociation of consciousness, every single one is Big Psomm; only in appearance do they not look so exploded, though.

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