Selfpost | Postself (2010)

Selfpost | Postself examines the networked self. The artist uses herself as a research subject in pursuit of a better understanding of what happens to our-selves as we form relations within Facebook (aka the social network of all social networks. Selfpost is the outing of the artist's resistant self to multiple groups within Facebook; Postself is the documentation of this experience in blog format using a variety of media. Intended to be a collaborative space for all networked selves, Postself is an ongoing project of reflection that combines text and image, while also challenging the restrictive nature of open source templates. This project invites participation through a Facebook page, considered as a portal/satellite location, allowing for critical exploration of a social network from within the network itself. Influenced by Internet art from the past and present, this work attempts to reach beyond the physical, social and economic constraints of the ...

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Selfpost | Postself examines the networked self. The artist uses herself as a research subject in pursuit of a better understanding of what happens to our-selves as we form relations within Facebook (aka the social network of all social networks. Selfpost is the outing of the artist's resistant self to multiple groups within Facebook; Postself is the documentation of this experience in blog format using a variety of media. Intended to be a collaborative space for all networked selves, Postself is an ongoing project of reflection that combines text and image, while also challenging the restrictive nature of open source templates. This project invites participation through a Facebook page, considered as a portal/satellite location, allowing for critical exploration of a social network from within the network itself. Influenced by Internet art from the past and present, this work attempts to reach beyond the physical, social and economic constraints of the art gallery system. However, rather than construct a new online format, the artist chooses to utilize the open space of the everyday blog as its canvas. This artwork can be interacted with at from which a personal manifesto can be found. The link to the Postself Facebook page is

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