Cat Mouse Trio (2009)

Cat Mouse Trio is a 3-channel installation that uses multiple perspectives, unscripted choreography, and the art of play to explore how a multiple viewpoints revolve around an invisible locus. As a displayed video piece, this can be shown on large monitors, projections or smaller digital picture frames.

Three videographers shot the video and were assigned these rules: videotape one another, ignore the camera that is recording you, and keep the action moving. The cameras act as both predator and prey across an urban terrain while simultaneously creating and documenting. A form of anti-choreography emerges such that Cat Mouse Trio performs the video landscape and prompts viewers to draw relationships between the three video screens.

Full Description

Cat Mouse Trio is a 3-channel installation that uses multiple perspectives, unscripted choreography, and the art of play to explore how a multiple viewpoints revolve around an invisible locus. As a displayed video piece, this can be shown on large monitors, projections or smaller digital picture frames.

Three videographers shot the video and were assigned these rules: videotape one another, ignore the camera that is recording you, and keep the action moving. The cameras act as both predator and prey across an urban terrain while simultaneously creating and documenting. A form of anti-choreography emerges such that Cat Mouse Trio performs the video landscape and prompts viewers to draw relationships between the three video screens.

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