Life Dress F3 (2010)

The Life Dress is an organically inspired piece of tech couture modeling the Game of Life. Handmade tiles with embedded circuitry are composed to run the Game of Life algorithm developed by John Conway. The algorithm models cell life through a simple set of rules applied to squares on a grid. Whether a cell is born, survives, or dies is determined by the condition of surrounding cells. These rules are visualized as dynamic patterns of light on the tiles of the dress. It is through the shared existence of the cells, or, indeed, people, that any survive and illuminated animations occur.

Full Description

The Life Dress is an organically inspired piece of tech couture modeling the Game of Life. Handmade tiles with embedded circuitry are composed to run the Game of Life algorithm developed by John Conway. The algorithm models cell life through a simple set of rules applied to squares on a grid. Whether a cell is born, survives, or dies is determined by the condition of surrounding cells. These rules are visualized as dynamic patterns of light on the tiles of the dress. It is through the shared existence of the cells, or, indeed, people, that any survive and illuminated animations occur.

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