entre ciel et terre (2010)

Entre Ciel et Terre is a 1:22 second video from the CATNAP group of three videos included in the THE SHAMAN IS OUT series. CATNAP considers the shaman conscious dream life. With music by Jeff Crouch.

Called the original artists, shamans were radical primitive explorers of inner space. They produced mesmerizing murals of their relationship with animals and the hunt, and the connection of dream explorations, death, creativity, trance, art, music, and healing.

Full Description

Entre Ciel et Terre is a 1:22 second video from the CATNAP group of three videos included in the THE SHAMAN IS OUT series. CATNAP considers the shaman conscious dream life. With music by Jeff Crouch.

Called the original artists, shamans were radical primitive explorers of inner space. They produced mesmerizing murals of their relationship with animals and the hunt, and the connection of dream explorations, death, creativity, trance, art, music, and healing.

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