Boyblack (2002)

Flash web art.

Special consideration was drawn from the limitations of the web at the time, more specifically bandwidth in South Africa at the turn of the century (i.e. it was slow). Hence the development of a pixel style.

Other questions included: How captive an audience is a user? What can we do with them once we have them? What kind of visual and interactive freedoms can we offer the user? what is our relationship with computing?

and most importantly: how can we break our ideals?

Full Description

Flash web art.

Special consideration was drawn from the limitations of the web at the time, more specifically bandwidth in South Africa at the turn of the century (i.e. it was slow). Hence the development of a pixel style.

Other questions included: How captive an audience is a user? What can we do with them once we have them? What kind of visual and interactive freedoms can we offer the user? what is our relationship with computing?

and most importantly: how can we break our ideals?

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