Audio Verification (2010)

The Verification of information through a verity of pin, passwords, text boxes, numbers has complicated the procedure to certify the information given is from a person and not a computer. This being said there is a development of alternative measures to insure that people are able to verify they are human and not that of a computer. One of these processes is the Audio Verification. This artwork exposes what is rarely heard by an average person online. The Audio in this work is a sensory overload where the undivided attention of the listener is required to fully understand what is being stated.

Full Description

The Verification of information through a verity of pin, passwords, text boxes, numbers has complicated the procedure to certify the information given is from a person and not a computer. This being said there is a development of alternative measures to insure that people are able to verify they are human and not that of a computer. One of these processes is the Audio Verification. This artwork exposes what is rarely heard by an average person online. The Audio in this work is a sensory overload where the undivided attention of the listener is required to fully understand what is being stated.

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