The Virtual State of Jefferson (2010)

The State of Jefferson is a proposed 51st state that would be carved out of Southern Oregon and Northern California. Many residents of this region feel alienated from the rest of their state and see the movement either as a tongue-in-cheek protest or a serious libertarian movement towards self-determination.

"The Virtual State of Jefferson" is a modified wireless router. Laptops, iPhones, and Blackberries can connect to the internet through the router and browse the web. Whenever a webpage displays the address of a town that is in the proposed borders of the State of Jefferson, the router changes the state name to be “Jefferson.” In this manner, the “City of Ashland, Oregon” website automatically becomes the “City of Ashland, Jefferson.”

"The Virtual State of Jefferson" explores how the internet has become one of our primary windows for viewing the world and how the realities it presents can be authoritative, fictive, ...

Full Description

The State of Jefferson is a proposed 51st state that would be carved out of Southern Oregon and Northern California. Many residents of this region feel alienated from the rest of their state and see the movement either as a tongue-in-cheek protest or a serious libertarian movement towards self-determination.

"The Virtual State of Jefferson" is a modified wireless router. Laptops, iPhones, and Blackberries can connect to the internet through the router and browse the web. Whenever a webpage displays the address of a town that is in the proposed borders of the State of Jefferson, the router changes the state name to be “Jefferson.” In this manner, the “City of Ashland, Oregon” website automatically becomes the “City of Ashland, Jefferson.”

"The Virtual State of Jefferson" explores how the internet has become one of our primary windows for viewing the world and how the realities it presents can be authoritative, fictive, self-deluding, and enlightening.

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