superfreedraw (2010)

Superfreedraw is a endless virtual canvas waiting to be filled by anyone who visits the website. There is no registration, no censorship, no rules. Every visitor can instantly start to augment the already existing drawings. Once a drawing is saved to the canvas it cannot be removed anymore and will be visible forever. As all drawings are contributed anonymously a space for free expression of thoughts, opinions and imaginations is offered. Language barriers are overcome by the symbolic universal language of drawings. The lack of regulations and administrative powers makes superfreedraw an open social experiment. How will users behave in this open space without regulations? Will there be destruction or collaboration? Superfreedraw offers space for everything. Any content provided by users does not have to meet any requirements. Everything accumulates to a enormous collaborative drawing forming an archive of contemporary thinking.

Full Description

Superfreedraw is a endless virtual canvas waiting to be filled by anyone who visits the website. There is no registration, no censorship, no rules. Every visitor can instantly start to augment the already existing drawings. Once a drawing is saved to the canvas it cannot be removed anymore and will be visible forever. As all drawings are contributed anonymously a space for free expression of thoughts, opinions and imaginations is offered. Language barriers are overcome by the symbolic universal language of drawings. The lack of regulations and administrative powers makes superfreedraw an open social experiment. How will users behave in this open space without regulations? Will there be destruction or collaboration? Superfreedraw offers space for everything. Any content provided by users does not have to meet any requirements. Everything accumulates to a enormous collaborative drawing forming an archive of contemporary thinking.

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