MMIX (2009)

MMIX is a new media work in four interactive tableaus, where each visitor is invited to follow what his mouse gestures reveals. At each caress, sound and visual elements get randomly muddled up on the screen creating always new combinations. A work travelling between real and surreal, dream and mind, rage and fright, where humour and drama are cruelly mixed to suggest the sad patterns of our contemporary reality. These works are part of Nicolas Clauss' virtual gallery, flyingpuppet, a collection of digital tableaus started in 2001. Roman numerals for 2009

Full Description

MMIX is a new media work in four interactive tableaus, where each visitor is invited to follow what his mouse gestures reveals. At each caress, sound and visual elements get randomly muddled up on the screen creating always new combinations. A work travelling between real and surreal, dream and mind, rage and fright, where humour and drama are cruelly mixed to suggest the sad patterns of our contemporary reality. These works are part of Nicolas Clauss' virtual gallery, flyingpuppet, a collection of digital tableaus started in 2001. Roman numerals for 2009

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