Zhongbo Copies Google Earth’s Perspective of Wassaic, NY onto Frederic Church’s Twilight in the Wilderness, and Adds a View From His Studio Window (2009)

"Zhongbo copies..." is a an oil painting ordered over the internet from the Wushipu "Chinese Painting Village" in Xiamen, China. It was commissioned for a show in Wassaic, NY. These "Chinese Painting Villages" are reported to produce over 60% of the world's oil paintings, a majority of which are copies of famous paintings. "Zhongbo copies..." begins with a landscape painting by Frederic Church of the Hudson Valley. A contemporary image of Wassaic (in the Hudson Valley) from Google Earth is collaged onto Church's painting. The artist in China was asked to paint the collaged image, and add in the view from her/his window in Xiamen. The resulting painting is a collage of geographical locations and representational media.

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"Zhongbo copies..." is a an oil painting ordered over the internet from the Wushipu "Chinese Painting Village" in Xiamen, China. It was commissioned for a show in Wassaic, NY. These "Chinese Painting Villages" are reported to produce over 60% of the world's oil paintings, a majority of which are copies of famous paintings. "Zhongbo copies..." begins with a landscape painting by Frederic Church of the Hudson Valley. A contemporary image of Wassaic (in the Hudson Valley) from Google Earth is collaged onto Church's painting. The artist in China was asked to paint the collaged image, and add in the view from her/his window in Xiamen. The resulting painting is a collage of geographical locations and representational media.

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