High Spheres (2007)

Open air multi-channel participative concert and sound installation.

The action takes place open air. No musical instruments are provided, but stones and leaves. Audience can use multiple microphones to amplify any kind of sound they wish to produce (i.e. voice noises, manipulating leaves, rubbing stones, etc.). Participation to the action is not scheduled so everyone can join the group during the execution. The whole sonic matter is managed by a self-designed software for generative music creation, which interacts with the audience processing in real-time the sounds they produce. When someone leaves the concert area the sound he produced keeps flowing through the surround system, merging and mutating within the collective sonic fluxus. The software generates ever changing parameters for the reproduction and manipulation of the incoming audio signals, creating an endless sonic data flow which, once started, will live and grow beyond the time-space of the action. During this ritual ...

Full Description

Open air multi-channel participative concert and sound installation.

The action takes place open air. No musical instruments are provided, but stones and leaves. Audience can use multiple microphones to amplify any kind of sound they wish to produce (i.e. voice noises, manipulating leaves, rubbing stones, etc.). Participation to the action is not scheduled so everyone can join the group during the execution. The whole sonic matter is managed by a self-designed software for generative music creation, which interacts with the audience processing in real-time the sounds they produce. When someone leaves the concert area the sound he produced keeps flowing through the surround system, merging and mutating within the collective sonic fluxus. The software generates ever changing parameters for the reproduction and manipulation of the incoming audio signals, creating an endless sonic data flow which, once started, will live and grow beyond the time-space of the action. During this ritual the audience creates a self-organizing orchestra composing a unique piece of music, something not repeatable and ever changing. Generative electroacoustic music for non-musicians.

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