Enlarged to Show Detail (2009)

An ongoing series of projects that engage in the creation of pattern through a consciously tedious process that moves back and forth between the physical and the digital, chance and mathematical operations, randomness and arrangement. Enlarged to show detail, uses thousands of unique and individually punched dots (4mm in diameter) punched from Orbit Gum Packages then scannedm enlarged, reprinted, or projected virtually in the space of the CAVE at Brown university. The dots are rearranged in their various manifestations based on a computer generated pattern.

Full Description

An ongoing series of projects that engage in the creation of pattern through a consciously tedious process that moves back and forth between the physical and the digital, chance and mathematical operations, randomness and arrangement. Enlarged to show detail, uses thousands of unique and individually punched dots (4mm in diameter) punched from Orbit Gum Packages then scannedm enlarged, reprinted, or projected virtually in the space of the CAVE at Brown university. The dots are rearranged in their various manifestations based on a computer generated pattern.

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