Wind Writings (2008)

Material: Cereal Boxes, mixed media, arduino microntroller and electronics

Wind Writings borrows and reinterprets the pinwheel icon. Pinwheels are an array of colours that are set to spin and mix with the energy of the wind. In this project I attempted to translate the relationship that pinwheels have with the environment and the wind to give them a voice. This voice would vary as the spinning of the pinwheels varied in the wind.

The pinwheels juxtapose elements from popular culture. The object of the pinwheel then became akin to a DIY project that could be easily reproduced by anyone who had the available materials. The voice of the pinwheels is a distorted (at once stretched, at other times sped up) reading of an RSS feed from various online sources.

Full Description

Material: Cereal Boxes, mixed media, arduino microntroller and electronics

Wind Writings borrows and reinterprets the pinwheel icon. Pinwheels are an array of colours that are set to spin and mix with the energy of the wind. In this project I attempted to translate the relationship that pinwheels have with the environment and the wind to give them a voice. This voice would vary as the spinning of the pinwheels varied in the wind.

The pinwheels juxtapose elements from popular culture. The object of the pinwheel then became akin to a DIY project that could be easily reproduced by anyone who had the available materials. The voice of the pinwheels is a distorted (at once stretched, at other times sped up) reading of an RSS feed from various online sources.

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