Enlarged to Show Detail (2009)

by Mary

This work is part of an ongoing series that engage in the creation of pattern through a consciously tedious process that moves back and forth between the physical and the digital, chance and mathematical operations, randomness and arrangement. The final installation included a series of 3 anaglyph 3-D prints, the original punched 'Orbit' gum packages and collected punches, a floor installation of enlarged digital prints of the dots, and a music box that played the copy of the 'Orbit' gum packages.

Full Description

This work is part of an ongoing series that engage in the creation of pattern through a consciously tedious process that moves back and forth between the physical and the digital, chance and mathematical operations, randomness and arrangement. The final installation included a series of 3 anaglyph 3-D prints, the original punched 'Orbit' gum packages and collected punches, a floor installation of enlarged digital prints of the dots, and a music box that played the copy of the 'Orbit' gum packages.

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