Contained (2010)

“Contained” has at its center an acrylic dome with a scale model of Chicago inside. Every 40 minutes a sun and moon complete a full rotation around this mechanical microcosm. Underneath the city electronic and mechanical elements control lighting effects within the model. During the night cycle the city is lit with fiber optic and LED light. Within the dome “smog” created by ultrasonic humidifiers emits from the highway and the nearby coal fired power station. In this dome I am exploring the closed system that we live in called earth. Viewers can access the dome in 2 ways. First, viewer can see the exterior of the dome object; this will look very much like some kind of orbiting satellite. Second online viewers will access the work from a close-circuit camera setup on the exterior of the dome. This camera connects to a monitor in the main lobby of the ...

Full Description

“Contained” has at its center an acrylic dome with a scale model of Chicago inside. Every 40 minutes a sun and moon complete a full rotation around this mechanical microcosm. Underneath the city electronic and mechanical elements control lighting effects within the model. During the night cycle the city is lit with fiber optic and LED light. Within the dome “smog” created by ultrasonic humidifiers emits from the highway and the nearby coal fired power station. In this dome I am exploring the closed system that we live in called earth. Viewers can access the dome in 2 ways. First, viewer can see the exterior of the dome object; this will look very much like some kind of orbiting satellite. Second online viewers will access the work from a close-circuit camera setup on the exterior of the dome. This camera connects to a monitor in the main lobby of the Fine Arts Center. I want the viewer to question place, by juxtaposition of these 2 vantage points within the project.

Date Completed: 2010 Dimensions: 48” L x 40” W x 60” H

Medium: aluminum, steel, acrylic, custom electronics, LED lights, ultra sonic humidifier, water, video camera, video monitor, D.C. motors, microcontrollers, Enamel paint.

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