black (2010)

When I give birth to my works, I want them to grow to inspire others, and I want them to talk about life: the complexity of humanity; the connections within ourselves, between each other, and to the Earth. By means of their rare beauty and humor, my characters would want to stir our thoughts, provoke us feelings, evoke memories or create fantasies. They'll try to make you wonder about all these mysteries, to see what's below the surface and who's behind the mask.

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When I give birth to my works, I want them to grow to inspire others, and I want them to talk about life: the complexity of humanity; the connections within ourselves, between each other, and to the Earth. By means of their rare beauty and humor, my characters would want to stir our thoughts, provoke us feelings, evoke memories or create fantasies. They'll try to make you wonder about all these mysteries, to see what's below the surface and who's behind the mask.

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