Fractal Utopia / ADream Of Global Understanding (2002)

FRACTAL UTOPIA is a project of exhibition that focuses on a better understanding of life from a perspective of Global Representation. In a series of nine (9) consecutive rooms FRACTAL UTOPIA explores different aspects and global perspectives concerning the state of life as human being. The experience unfold with a sense of poetry, magic and contrast. The Art, the Media and the Technology that is designing and producing FRACTAL UTOPIA invent from some of the most significant aspects and concepts of the last fifty years in contemporary art (Painting / photography / architecture / design / digital composition / drawing / installation / video-DVD / computer interactive website projection / light / text / music-sound / etc.).
The purpose of this exhibition is to provoke feelings, stimulate reflection and induce in viewers a sense of contribution concerning the factors affecting the present and long-term future of humanity, in a ...

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FRACTAL UTOPIA is a project of exhibition that focuses on a better understanding of life from a perspective of Global Representation. In a series of nine (9) consecutive rooms FRACTAL UTOPIA explores different aspects and global perspectives concerning the state of life as human being. The experience unfold with a sense of poetry, magic and contrast. The Art, the Media and the Technology that is designing and producing FRACTAL UTOPIA invent from some of the most significant aspects and concepts of the last fifty years in contemporary art (Painting / photography / architecture / design / digital composition / drawing / installation / video-DVD / computer interactive website projection / light / text / music-sound / etc.).
The purpose of this exhibition is to provoke feelings, stimulate reflection and induce in viewers a sense of contribution concerning the factors affecting the present and long-term future of humanity, in a universe of beauty, mystery, and unfolding drama.
FRACTAL UTOPIA wants to be part of the movement for a more creative and sustainable way of life for our global civilization which is in an accelerating mode towards the future. It is in that spirit that FRACTAL UTOPIA also aims, inherently by its culture, at touring and sharing worldwide this multimedia art exhibition exposing its Global Vision in progress.

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