Find (2010)

by Vokzal

A Google Maps mashup showing Vokzal's addresses in Berlin and London.

The map data for the immediate area has been copied and edited by removing all details except the road plan, and whiting out the background. This has then been put back at the same co-ordinates as an overlay on the map application. The rest of the world is designated "environs" to this "village".

Markers point to Vokzal's address and the location of local amenities with basic designators, such as "shop", "bus stop" or "cashpoint". Infowindows give small, limited bits of information about those places, show the current local weather conditions and allow short but fruitless interactive narratives using hyperlinks.

The same markers and information are overlaid on both villages at the co-ordinates of similar places in each real-world location.

This same fictional village can potentially be reproduced at further addresses by a similar process of stripping away ...

Full Description

A Google Maps mashup showing Vokzal's addresses in Berlin and London.

The map data for the immediate area has been copied and edited by removing all details except the road plan, and whiting out the background. This has then been put back at the same co-ordinates as an overlay on the map application. The rest of the world is designated "environs" to this "village".

Markers point to Vokzal's address and the location of local amenities with basic designators, such as "shop", "bus stop" or "cashpoint". Infowindows give small, limited bits of information about those places, show the current local weather conditions and allow short but fruitless interactive narratives using hyperlinks.

The same markers and information are overlaid on both villages at the co-ordinates of similar places in each real-world location.

This same fictional village can potentially be reproduced at further addresses by a similar process of stripping away locally distinctive detail and marking places with their most general description.

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