Blue Period series (2010)

Defense mechanisms have a way of creating spectacular sensational psychological battles. My recent experience as a bystander caught (and unharmed) in a neighborhood cross-fire has resurfaced both as severe agoraphobia and tailored cocktail conversation. My newest work is a body of digital photographs inspired by Picasso’s Blue Period paintings. When Picasso's close friend Carlos Casagemas commits suicide by shooting himself in the right temple, Picasso's trauma finds expression in a series of deeply somber paintings comprising his blue period. The connection for me is unavoidable, obvious, ridiculous. Standing unabashedly center stage through a foggy lens, portraits of anonymous absurd albinic sculpture busts cry and bleed, wobble, flop, die, reincarnate. My consuming melancholy is devastatingly sincere with a touch of admitted pathos, madness, and melodrama. The trigger for pursuing these works is rooted in musings on my construction of reality and identity. This body explores empathy, anxiety, alienation, and comic relief. ...

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Defense mechanisms have a way of creating spectacular sensational psychological battles. My recent experience as a bystander caught (and unharmed) in a neighborhood cross-fire has resurfaced both as severe agoraphobia and tailored cocktail conversation. My newest work is a body of digital photographs inspired by Picasso’s Blue Period paintings. When Picasso's close friend Carlos Casagemas commits suicide by shooting himself in the right temple, Picasso's trauma finds expression in a series of deeply somber paintings comprising his blue period. The connection for me is unavoidable, obvious, ridiculous. Standing unabashedly center stage through a foggy lens, portraits of anonymous absurd albinic sculpture busts cry and bleed, wobble, flop, die, reincarnate. My consuming melancholy is devastatingly sincere with a touch of admitted pathos, madness, and melodrama. The trigger for pursuing these works is rooted in musings on my construction of reality and identity. This body explores empathy, anxiety, alienation, and comic relief. All the pieces are reassembled from previous works and materials in my house during which the time I did not leave it.

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