Gridworks Stereo Animated GIF Suite (2009)

A suite of animated GIFs centered around the conversion of stereoscopic photographs to animated GIF format. I'm exploring the idea that as the animation oscillates between the two offset images, a slightly 3D experience is fostered in the viewer. I've taken a few liberties and used both farmed mugshots, Muybridge stills, and ASCII drawings. The overall effect is similar to the steroscopic animated GIFs you can find online. The difference here is a forced technological aesthetic that explores a non-existent text-based virtual environment.

Full Description

A suite of animated GIFs centered around the conversion of stereoscopic photographs to animated GIF format. I'm exploring the idea that as the animation oscillates between the two offset images, a slightly 3D experience is fostered in the viewer. I've taken a few liberties and used both farmed mugshots, Muybridge stills, and ASCII drawings. The overall effect is similar to the steroscopic animated GIFs you can find online. The difference here is a forced technological aesthetic that explores a non-existent text-based virtual environment.

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