tangled; we weave (2009)

jenny is an artist and photographer in seattle. eric is a musician in denver.

each week, jenny takes approximately 180 photographs and sequences them to create a 30-second stop motion piece. operating independently and under a pact of secrecy, eric writes and records a 30-second musical composition. every tuesday, we reveal our week’s efforts to each other, combine them, and post the result to tangledweweave.com. we began on September 22nd, 2009 and will continue for one full year, ending September 21st, 2010. In total, nearly 10,000 photographs will be taken and about 1,500 seconds of audio will be produced.

tangled; we weave is an experiment in blind collaboration as well as creative and personal synchronicity; the coalescence of our two, thousand-miles-apart brains and hearts.

Full Description

jenny is an artist and photographer in seattle. eric is a musician in denver.

each week, jenny takes approximately 180 photographs and sequences them to create a 30-second stop motion piece. operating independently and under a pact of secrecy, eric writes and records a 30-second musical composition. every tuesday, we reveal our week’s efforts to each other, combine them, and post the result to tangledweweave.com. we began on September 22nd, 2009 and will continue for one full year, ending September 21st, 2010. In total, nearly 10,000 photographs will be taken and about 1,500 seconds of audio will be produced.

tangled; we weave is an experiment in blind collaboration as well as creative and personal synchronicity; the coalescence of our two, thousand-miles-apart brains and hearts.

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