Upwards (2009)

Web-based animation series discussing satellite technology and the exploration of the personal history. Within a broad lateral page, forward and backslash mountains form words that enter into animations. The animations were made with remote sensing data and a GIS software, Geomatica. Personal photographs were used, mainly of important people in the life of the artist. Overlaid on these photos was topographical elevation data from the places related to the person and time in the photo, making each photo into mountain ranges to be explored. The soundtracks also relate to the people and places.

Full Description

Web-based animation series discussing satellite technology and the exploration of the personal history. Within a broad lateral page, forward and backslash mountains form words that enter into animations. The animations were made with remote sensing data and a GIS software, Geomatica. Personal photographs were used, mainly of important people in the life of the artist. Overlaid on these photos was topographical elevation data from the places related to the person and time in the photo, making each photo into mountain ranges to be explored. The soundtracks also relate to the people and places.

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