Pulsus (2009)

Pulsus is a flash game in which players must solve puzzles by arranging objects in order to move particles from an emitter into goal points. The game is in part about solving puzzles, but also about exploring and understanding a dynamic, engaging, system. The goal of the project was to create a game that was aesthetically compelling, fun, and logically engaging. Players enter the game with little explanation and, through initially simple levels, explore how to manipulate the system to accomplish goals. While it is essentially a puzzle game, the system being solved is constantly in flux.

Full Description

Pulsus is a flash game in which players must solve puzzles by arranging objects in order to move particles from an emitter into goal points. The game is in part about solving puzzles, but also about exploring and understanding a dynamic, engaging, system. The goal of the project was to create a game that was aesthetically compelling, fun, and logically engaging. Players enter the game with little explanation and, through initially simple levels, explore how to manipulate the system to accomplish goals. While it is essentially a puzzle game, the system being solved is constantly in flux.

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