DataDRUM v.2.0 (2009)

An interactive video installation by Sohan Ariel Hayes in collaboration with Laetitia Wilson. Datadrum visualises the transmission of sound as it travels across a model city. The built environment becomes a kinetic sounding-board to record the aural trace as it bounces and reflects throughout the city. Windows and walls are made flexible and permeable, they spin and shift scale in response to the sound. Sometimes the transmission finds ways to reach people inside who respond in unusual ways; some indifferent, some ecstatic, some mimic the sound and become additional transmitters. Most sound transmissions soon decay in the 6th Dimensional city or else they become too fragmented and splinter into low-level noise. On a rare occasion, a splendid thing happens when a sound event becomes a resonator and for a short while the whole city is alive with song.

Full Description

An interactive video installation by Sohan Ariel Hayes in collaboration with Laetitia Wilson. Datadrum visualises the transmission of sound as it travels across a model city. The built environment becomes a kinetic sounding-board to record the aural trace as it bounces and reflects throughout the city. Windows and walls are made flexible and permeable, they spin and shift scale in response to the sound. Sometimes the transmission finds ways to reach people inside who respond in unusual ways; some indifferent, some ecstatic, some mimic the sound and become additional transmitters. Most sound transmissions soon decay in the 6th Dimensional city or else they become too fragmented and splinter into low-level noise. On a rare occasion, a splendid thing happens when a sound event becomes a resonator and for a short while the whole city is alive with song.

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