BigTime (2009)

BigTime is a website and an iphone application that tells the user their exact time based on the location from the Prime Meridian. The goal is to give each user an exact, personal time - in essence abolishing time zones. The iphone app can access the phone’s GPS giving it a more precise mobile location than the web version, however, the web version uses the googlemaps api to show the viewer the “correct” time anywhere around the globe. While I am aware of the challenges ahead of us, I believe that BigTime will be the standard by which we tell time in the future. We will remember time zones as being a necessary blip in the history of time, a patch until the technology could catch up to our intuitive understanding of time.

Full Description

BigTime is a website and an iphone application that tells the user their exact time based on the location from the Prime Meridian. The goal is to give each user an exact, personal time - in essence abolishing time zones. The iphone app can access the phone’s GPS giving it a more precise mobile location than the web version, however, the web version uses the googlemaps api to show the viewer the “correct” time anywhere around the globe. While I am aware of the challenges ahead of us, I believe that BigTime will be the standard by which we tell time in the future. We will remember time zones as being a necessary blip in the history of time, a patch until the technology could catch up to our intuitive understanding of time.

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