Mapping 2 (2009)


Mapping 1 and 2 are a series of works that explore the visual and media relationships between handmade drawings and digital moving images. The project initially started in 2000 when I created a series of sequential black and yellow drawings. In 2008 I started revisiting these drawings seeking new ideas and possibilities of connecting painting with new media and contemporary digital and software artifacts. The work was concluded in March of 2009.

Mapping 1 and 2 are two process based pieces that derive from various methods such as image scanning, placing image data in a visual time-line, and utilizing analog and digital processes to treat light and image while submitting them to rigorous and repetitive systems of digital corruption, deterioration, and saturation of pixels. Ultimately the intention is to expand the aesthetics of the translated drawings and the possibilities of digital moving image to a new optical ...

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Mapping 1 and 2 are a series of works that explore the visual and media relationships between handmade drawings and digital moving images. The project initially started in 2000 when I created a series of sequential black and yellow drawings. In 2008 I started revisiting these drawings seeking new ideas and possibilities of connecting painting with new media and contemporary digital and software artifacts. The work was concluded in March of 2009.

Mapping 1 and 2 are two process based pieces that derive from various methods such as image scanning, placing image data in a visual time-line, and utilizing analog and digital processes to treat light and image while submitting them to rigorous and repetitive systems of digital corruption, deterioration, and saturation of pixels. Ultimately the intention is to expand the aesthetics of the translated drawings and the possibilities of digital moving image to a new optical and experiential space altogether.

Artist: Richard Garet Title: Mapping 2 Format: Digital Video Duration: 17:07 minutes approximately Size: Variable Size Year: 2009 Regular Edition: 3 + A/P

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