Hans Rittman Project (2009)

ephemeral project about truth, reliability, trust in virtual informations and dissemination.

Hans Rittman is an fictional person created a few years ago by me and my friend and spread through the internet and wikipedia.

"Hans Rittman (14 December 1944 - 7 October 1989) was a Nicaraguan philosopher of German descent."

He still "exists" in many places...

We also invented a "good-looking quote" of him

"Human life, as a transgressive experience is not to be cognitive analyzing, without preparing diversification of meanings" (http://nl.wikiquote.org/wiki/Hans_Rittman)

and "quote" of Andy Warhol with mention of Rittman :

"It doesn't matter if it displays Mona Lisa, a Banana or Hans Rittman's glasses - the fact is it must be pop!"" (for example: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Andy_Warhol, http://pl.wikiquote.org/wiki/Andy_Warhol and others)

These words were used many times in english, polish or other version, i.e: href="http://www.e-teatr.pl/pl/artykuly/51475.html (polish theatrical service E-teatr), and http://www.fikiratolyesi.com/2009/02/09/andy-warhol-hakkinizda-yazilanlari-onemsemeyin-sadece-uzunluklarini-olcun/ (turkish article)

Once upon a time this fake quote appeared ...

Full Description

ephemeral project about truth, reliability, trust in virtual informations and dissemination.

Hans Rittman is an fictional person created a few years ago by me and my friend and spread through the internet and wikipedia.

"Hans Rittman (14 December 1944 - 7 October 1989) was a Nicaraguan philosopher of German descent."

He still "exists" in many places...

We also invented a "good-looking quote" of him

"Human life, as a transgressive experience is not to be cognitive analyzing, without preparing diversification of meanings" (http://nl.wikiquote.org/wiki/Hans_Rittman)

and "quote" of Andy Warhol with mention of Rittman :

"It doesn't matter if it displays Mona Lisa, a Banana or Hans Rittman's glasses - the fact is it must be pop!"" (for example: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Andy_Warhol, http://pl.wikiquote.org/wiki/Andy_Warhol and others)

These words were used many times in english, polish or other version, i.e: href="http://www.e-teatr.pl/pl/artykuly/51475.html (polish theatrical service E-teatr), and http://www.fikiratolyesi.com/2009/02/09/andy-warhol-hakkinizda-yazilanlari-onemsemeyin-sadece-uzunluklarini-olcun/ (turkish article)

Once upon a time this fake quote appeared as true words of AW in the article about his exhibition in Warsaw published in the biggest polish newspaper "Gazeta Wyborcza"

fake publication of Paul Feyerabend :

[1976] Logic, literacy and Hans Rittman, "British Journal for the Philosophy of Science", Vol. 27, s. 167-81 (http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Feyerabend)

Officially this action was still a secret, till now

/-/ grz, june 2009

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