Organic art by Substance 3D (2009)

Organic (Evolutionary) Art, which is virtually exclusively generated on computers, exploits the process of evolution to create an artwork which continually changes according to a genetic evolutionary algorithm. The idea is to use genetic algorithms to evolve shapes based on their aesthetics. Basically, the artist is able to control the development of a piece of work through some form of "selection", in a manner analogous to natural selection. Substance 3D is the sotware used to create these organic structures.

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Organic (Evolutionary) Art, which is virtually exclusively generated on computers, exploits the process of evolution to create an artwork which continually changes according to a genetic evolutionary algorithm. The idea is to use genetic algorithms to evolve shapes based on their aesthetics. Basically, the artist is able to control the development of a piece of work through some form of "selection", in a manner analogous to natural selection. Substance 3D is the sotware used to create these organic structures.

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