Fee Memory (2002)

Free Memory is an event created to open a discourse between what memories consists of in terms of ephemeral human thought, and that of a physical data driven memory model of a computer. The event is initiated by the anonymous gift of a floppy disk to passers by and concludes when the box of disks is empty. Unbeknownst to the receiver, the artists memories, documented in photographic form, are present on the disk thereby transferring both ephemeral, and concrete memory.

Project information: http://hypermodern.net/tag/free-memory/

Video from participant Thorsten Claus: http://vimeo.com/3348219

Full Description

Free Memory is an event created to open a discourse between what memories consists of in terms of ephemeral human thought, and that of a physical data driven memory model of a computer. The event is initiated by the anonymous gift of a floppy disk to passers by and concludes when the box of disks is empty. Unbeknownst to the receiver, the artists memories, documented in photographic form, are present on the disk thereby transferring both ephemeral, and concrete memory.

Project information: http://hypermodern.net/tag/free-memory/

Video from participant Thorsten Claus: http://vimeo.com/3348219

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