hellomynameis (2009)

'hellomynameis.teddavis and i' created this web site on the vain notion that people rather like to google one another, especially themselves. in the creative [+ competitive] fields, it's all too easy to judge ones self importance on the web according to their listing on any given search engine. in the path of doing so, you are most likely to run into other 'uniquely named' individuals who happen to [unknowingly] be fighting for that first listing spotlight we all hold so dear. in the pursuit of seeing how i eeked out amongst the adversaries, i was surprised to learn just how many of me exist. ranging from the same profession to one instance of being labeled a scam artist, there have been some 84+ ted davis' out there to get lost amongst. this website pays tribute to those who were fortunate enough to be granted such a name by their parents.

Full Description

'hellomynameis.teddavis and i' created this web site on the vain notion that people rather like to google one another, especially themselves. in the creative [+ competitive] fields, it's all too easy to judge ones self importance on the web according to their listing on any given search engine. in the path of doing so, you are most likely to run into other 'uniquely named' individuals who happen to [unknowingly] be fighting for that first listing spotlight we all hold so dear. in the pursuit of seeing how i eeked out amongst the adversaries, i was surprised to learn just how many of me exist. ranging from the same profession to one instance of being labeled a scam artist, there have been some 84+ ted davis' out there to get lost amongst. this website pays tribute to those who were fortunate enough to be granted such a name by their parents.

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