Waymaker Gallery (2009)

The Waymaker Gallery is an imaginary exhibition space that exists in a fictional world. The 'physical' space is constructed using Maya 3D software and the artists who show there are a mixture of fictional and real people. In a world where the majority of our experience is mediated through portals such as websites or television screens it is relevant to create artworks that examine that mediation. I was struck by the way that various artworks I had never seen or experienced had influenced me and how so many of my peers could describe a gallery's website with greater clarity than they could the work of its artists. I wanted to create a way for other artists, and myself, to create artworks that were constructed with this sort of representation in mind. While the early shows were aimed at being very conventional in appearance, the gallery is now beginning to expand ...

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The Waymaker Gallery is an imaginary exhibition space that exists in a fictional world. The 'physical' space is constructed using Maya 3D software and the artists who show there are a mixture of fictional and real people. In a world where the majority of our experience is mediated through portals such as websites or television screens it is relevant to create artworks that examine that mediation. I was struck by the way that various artworks I had never seen or experienced had influenced me and how so many of my peers could describe a gallery's website with greater clarity than they could the work of its artists. I wanted to create a way for other artists, and myself, to create artworks that were constructed with this sort of representation in mind. While the early shows were aimed at being very conventional in appearance, the gallery is now beginning to expand its premise and address new formats for representing works online. Though at first glance the gallery appears to be a real space, it really the suggestion for a possible space, an open example of what 'could' be, rather than what 'is'.

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