Gate to the Future (2008)

This is one of a series of ‘gates’ or portals in my collection. I like the idea of a door leading somewhere mysterious. Each gate has its own character and destination of course. Whatever lies ahead is always the future, even if you know what will happen. What lies on the other side of this gate? Is it a good future? It looks that way. The only way you’ll ever find out is to conquer your apprehension and open it. If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a process of self discovery. See all the other work in my gallery. There is more where this came from.

Full Description

This is one of a series of ‘gates’ or portals in my collection. I like the idea of a door leading somewhere mysterious. Each gate has its own character and destination of course. Whatever lies ahead is always the future, even if you know what will happen. What lies on the other side of this gate? Is it a good future? It looks that way. The only way you’ll ever find out is to conquer your apprehension and open it. If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a process of self discovery. See all the other work in my gallery. There is more where this came from.

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