Shape Sets in Red (2008)

This was a muse and still is a muse. I just liked the shapes and colors and how they stack on top of each other. I've always been fascinated by the patterns in Kandinski's work. . If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a process of self discovery.

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This was a muse and still is a muse. I just liked the shapes and colors and how they stack on top of each other. I've always been fascinated by the patterns in Kandinski's work. . If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a process of self discovery.

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