Iridescent Ice (2009)

One kind of digital art I like doing besides drawing transformation is photo transformation. This one started as a photograph of a bonfire and I played with it until I had a mass of ice that glows in the dark. I grew up in a USA state that gets pretty icy in the winter. In the winter you have some times where the temperature drops below freezing, freezes the next day, and then over the week the process is repeated. After you a while you get some ice masses that kind of look like this; uneven thicknesses, uneven surfaces and leaf-like patterns. Too bad it never glowed in the dark. If it did, I might not have slipped and fallen as much.

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One kind of digital art I like doing besides drawing transformation is photo transformation. This one started as a photograph of a bonfire and I played with it until I had a mass of ice that glows in the dark. I grew up in a USA state that gets pretty icy in the winter. In the winter you have some times where the temperature drops below freezing, freezes the next day, and then over the week the process is repeated. After you a while you get some ice masses that kind of look like this; uneven thicknesses, uneven surfaces and leaf-like patterns. Too bad it never glowed in the dark. If it did, I might not have slipped and fallen as much.

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