Lampion (2009)

My Indonesian wife helped name this one. If you are familiar with Asian culture, they like colored lamps that are often made out of paper. Traditionally they have a candle inside. If you have been to Singapore or any other very Chinese area you’ll notice the use of large round red ones which are often hanging in long groups across roads, restaurants and homes. Some of them are decorated with interesting patterns but all of them look quite nice and homey when they are all lit up at night. Here I have a glowing lamp of reflective material on a tarnished silver backing. If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a ...

Full Description

My Indonesian wife helped name this one. If you are familiar with Asian culture, they like colored lamps that are often made out of paper. Traditionally they have a candle inside. If you have been to Singapore or any other very Chinese area you’ll notice the use of large round red ones which are often hanging in long groups across roads, restaurants and homes. Some of them are decorated with interesting patterns but all of them look quite nice and homey when they are all lit up at night. Here I have a glowing lamp of reflective material on a tarnished silver backing. If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a process of self discovery.

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