
Alluding to infamous crimes and the aesthetics of horror cinema, the immersive installation visits a room in a home that has been deemed a crime scene. The room has been cleared of corporeal evidence, but a fateful tale is told through a set of Polaroid photographs, echoing the practices of some of America's most infamous killers.

The now-obsolete Polaroid have been re-created as digitally manipulated prints. documents and annotates the installation.

Full Description

Alluding to infamous crimes and the aesthetics of horror cinema, the immersive installation visits a room in a home that has been deemed a crime scene. The room has been cleared of corporeal evidence, but a fateful tale is told through a set of Polaroid photographs, echoing the practices of some of America's most infamous killers.

The now-obsolete Polaroid have been re-created as digitally manipulated prints. documents and annotates the installation.

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