After/Before Gursky ()

Andreas Gursky’s large-scale color image “Bahrain I” depicts the rolling, visually perplexing route of the Bahrain Formula One racetrack. Gursky, a master of digital manipulation, usually places his lens high above, far away, on cranes, or even on helicopters. His pictures sometimes entail multiple views of the same subject, with different subjects seamlessly spliced together.

In “After/Before Gursky (Bahrain I)” and “After/Before Gursky (Dubai II)” I revisited the original sites on Google Earth. Simulating the same camera angle, I took screen-shots to reveal the amount of Gursky’s digital manipulation.

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Andreas Gursky’s large-scale color image “Bahrain I” depicts the rolling, visually perplexing route of the Bahrain Formula One racetrack. Gursky, a master of digital manipulation, usually places his lens high above, far away, on cranes, or even on helicopters. His pictures sometimes entail multiple views of the same subject, with different subjects seamlessly spliced together.

In “After/Before Gursky (Bahrain I)” and “After/Before Gursky (Dubai II)” I revisited the original sites on Google Earth. Simulating the same camera angle, I took screen-shots to reveal the amount of Gursky’s digital manipulation.

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