Values Questionnaire (2009)

I’ve created an online questionnaire where I ask people to choose words that correspond most with their idea about art. In the following step you can value these words and other words that were connected through a database.

The words in step 1 come from corporation’s values and mission statements. The corporations are from the Business Week top 100 brands 2008.

From each corporation I took three values ex. Coca-Cola has simple, solid and timeless as their values. If you picked simple in the first step it will show you other connecting words in step 2. You will get solid and timeless, because that’s connecting to Coca-cola. And you’ll get standardization, automatization, pioneer and style. The first two are from Oracle and the other are from Hermès. Both corporations also have simple in their values, hence the connection. For instance 18 corporations have used innovation as their value.

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Full Description

I’ve created an online questionnaire where I ask people to choose words that correspond most with their idea about art. In the following step you can value these words and other words that were connected through a database.

The words in step 1 come from corporation’s values and mission statements. The corporations are from the Business Week top 100 brands 2008.

From each corporation I took three values ex. Coca-Cola has simple, solid and timeless as their values. If you picked simple in the first step it will show you other connecting words in step 2. You will get solid and timeless, because that’s connecting to Coca-cola. And you’ll get standardization, automatization, pioneer and style. The first two are from Oracle and the other are from Hermès. Both corporations also have simple in their values, hence the connection. For instance 18 corporations have used innovation as their value.

After you valued the words I ask about the age, sex, country and favorite art movement. This I use for information statistics. These statistics will be used to present facts.

Then you can go to the results where the companies are shown who correspond most with you idea about art. The bigger the name, the more points you have given. Here are also the overall statistics regarding the questionnaire and the given personal information.

On the results page I want to put more information gathered from the questionnaire. I also want to create links in a way you can surf on, but with the words you have chosen and the corporations your idea about art correspond to. For me the words used as values are interesting and I also want to look on if the words can get a real value in currency, but that idea is still in an early stadium.

When I started with the idea about the questionnaire I first wanted to resemble a political poll where more questions would be asked about art and what would later not show ‘your’ art, but give you a corporations that has the same values.

I’ve been working on this project for some time now and it’s been changing through time and it will be continuing to change and/or I will add new functions. I also want to extend the result page with more statistics and I want to show connections between the data gathered.

My idea is to produce prints from the data that shows statistics in different kind of ways with different perspectives. The data that I get has not been used fully in the results page yet.

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