Lost Water Jug (2008)

I'm an American working in the Middle East and some of my artwork is inspired by this place. Like my other pieces, this one started as a drawing that to me looked like a simple ceramic water jug left by a nomad. I finished it with that impression and even added some wind-blown sand. Sad to say, some only see a bug crawling on the sand when they look at it. Bug or jug - what you see is up to you. If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a process of self discovery.

Full Description

I'm an American working in the Middle East and some of my artwork is inspired by this place. Like my other pieces, this one started as a drawing that to me looked like a simple ceramic water jug left by a nomad. I finished it with that impression and even added some wind-blown sand. Sad to say, some only see a bug crawling on the sand when they look at it. Bug or jug - what you see is up to you. If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a process of self discovery.

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